Joe Buchanan
Aug. 2019
Singer Songwriter
Joe Buchanan grew up to in Texas distant from religion; but when his wife revealed she was Jewish, it sent him on a journey towards faith, conversion to Judaism, and towards music. Joe tours the country leading services, sharing his story, and writing new, spiritual Americana music with Jewish themes.
Listen to Hazzan Matt & Joe Buchanan premiere a song they wrote together on “The Summit” 89.7”
Read an article about Joe Buchanan by one of our members:
Rabbi Gershom Sizomu
Aug. 2018
Rabbi Gershom Sizomu is the spiritual leader of the Abayudaya Jews of Uganda and a member of Uganda’s Parliament—the first Jew elected to that body. He is also a Grammy-nominated musician and tours the U.S. twice a year. Rabbi Sizomu led services and taught our Akron community about his people’s love of Judaism and how they work to build bridges with their neighbors.
Read this article about Rabbi Sizomu’s time in Akron (page 8) by member, Toby Rosen.
Listen to the Grammy-winning music of the Abayudaya here on YouTube!
Support clean water access for the Abayudaya and other East Africans through the Cleveland-based NGO, Drink Local, Drink Tap.